Use a VGA Monitor with your Amiga 1200 including LCD Screens! | V1.5 FIRMWARE |
Indivision AGA 1200 MK I is a scandoubler and flicker fixer (de-interlacer). This original version is for internal installation in the Amiga 1200 (
Amiga 4000/CD32 version available as separate product). It is the most advanced flicker fixer ever produced for the A1200 - allowing VGA monitors (flat screens and CRTs) to correctly display games and applications.

A1200 internal, plugs over Lisa, no other chip-connections (other internal flickerfixers used an additional Alice-adapter)

24 bit colour depth for all screenmodes and output frequencies

All OCS/ECS/AGA screenmodes displayed and scan-converted, output is always over 60Hz and flicker-free

Fallback to legacy flickerfixer-type 49.9Hz modes at the user's choice

Optional scanline emulation for retro-feeling

Re-configurable / re-flashable design, new screenmodes can be added with a software upgrade

Genlock compatible (Toaster/Flyer)

No fiddling with adjustments, just plug in and use

Low power consumption, no heat problems (3.3V design, 2.5V core voltage)
Highgfx support (screenmodes up to
1024x768). Example screen-grabs:
Highgfx 1 Highgfx 2

Monitor power saving support
Supplied with 15-pin VGA cable |
Don't Forget:

Indivision ECS

Indivision AGA 4000