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A2000 68000 CPU relocator adapter

A2000 68000 CPU relocator adapter


Date Added: Wednesday 13 March, 2024

by ron flory

Works great on first try in my Rev6 A2000/B2000. I bought two of them...

Can be used with A500 accelerators, but I used mine to allow me to easily switch between a PiStorm2K and a stock 68000 CPU without having to remove the drive-bay.

I suggest removing the 86000 CPU from the motherboard socket and closing (i.e. set to "ON") both dip-switches on the relocator card.

BTW: some people use this card to allow them to bypass battery-corrosion damage near the motherboard CPU socket (like mine- I was able to fix mine, but it required complete disassembly, a digital scope/analyzer, and several soldered jumpers- not everybody can do this...) .

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]